Innovate with what you have
Innovate with What You Have, will equip you with a new pair of glasses which will enable you to see that sometimes the smartest solutions are much closer than you think.
You will learn the following principles and skills:
- Understand and overcome the limiting effects of our thinking process to use available resources creatively
- How to systematically detect hidden opportunities in the resources nearest to the problem situation.
- Apply the Task Unification tool to create creative solutions
This course is designed to be an interactive experience in which you'll go through:
- Bite-sized videos (generally between 1-5 minutes per video)
- Practical assignments and comprehension boosting exercises
- Additional resources to inspire you and to deepen your knowledge
- Real life examples
Estimated time commitment 3-4 hours, in total.
After purchase you will have access to this course for 6 weeks.
Get a taste of the course with one of its videos:
Exploring the cognitive forces that we must overcome to think creatively is a necessary step in any pragmatic discussion of innovation. This video explores the term Cognitive Fixedness and its powerful impact to our thinking.